This statement is made on behalf of AMH BRANDS Limited t/a Where's That From. We are publishing this statement (although not strictly required to do so under the Modern Slavery Act 2015) in recognition of our commitment to ensuring that no form of slavery or human trafficking has any place in our business or supply chain.

At Where's That From, we are clear that respect for dignity and human rights are immutable and we committed to maintaining and improving practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking throughout our business. We work with our suppliers to improve standards and ensure that those we work with share our high standards.

We make sure that our suppliers uphold the same high standards as we do, by ensuring that all employees and workers are treated with dignity and respect in a fair and ethical environment.

Where's That From receives goods primarily from China. We only select supplier once we have considered the reputation and integrity of the company before working with them.

We also include various provisions within our relationship with suppliers to mitigate against risks. This includes express obligations to comply with all applicable laws in the delivery of goods and services, and express obligations to comply with the Modern Slavery Act and ensure that there is no slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour or human trafficking in its business or its supply chain.

We are constantly monitoring any training needs within our own workplace and will implement any further training for key staff. Training helps to recognise environment, health, safety and labour/worker concerns relating to slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and any other improper conduct within our supply chain.

We recognise that compliance with the Modern Slavery Act is an ongoing commitment and we will continue to develop our practices to minimise any risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring anywhere in our business.